Friday, November 07, 2008

America is doomed!

It is really incredible how American politics has laid low. The immorality in US politics reached a point of non-return, when a candidate passes safe and sound over the constitutional obligations; the best Americans can do now is packing their constitution up and put it in the garbage can, because when a candidate breaks the law in the first place and even before he got elected, there is no chance for a rule-of-law in the United States anymore. USA has been taken by a revolutionary mind in a revolutionary anti-democratic process.

Barack Hussein Obama was born in Africa, and therefore he does not meet the US basic constitutional requirements to be President of The United States of America. When the political and juridical system “forgets” about this basic constitutional requirement, a Pandora box is opened and the Marxists radicals who supported Hussein Obama will feel comfortable to proceed further in the process of inverting the American rule-of-law logics and tradition. Mark Steyn wrote a year ago an article with an explosive headline: “Europe is doomed!”; I think Mark would better look into his own backyard now.

In the very same day Hussein Obama has been elected, Russia announced that a new generation of long range missiles will be stationed nearby Poland’s borders ASAP, the Palestinian leaders said Barack Hussein’s victory ought to be considered as a “great intifada”, and the Iranian president “Mad Jad” officially announced “The End of America”. I wonder how could the vast majority of Americans not anticipate this political scenario.

Does the black American community -- which constitutes about 13% of the American people -- wanted a black President? There was no other black guy better than Obama? Why Alan Keyes -- who is a slave descendant, and Obama isn’t -- has been dismissed by the American political system? How come that a radical racist, a rookie lier and a narcissist political illusionist was brought into power in a super-power nation just to satisfy a politically correct whim?

I did not like much of Dubya consulate as the guy did not follow his own ideas, because he ain't any ideas. Now it comes a guy announcing that after his time all ideas will be made void -- The Obama version of Karl Marx's "The End of History” -- because He owns all of them, involving Himself in a glowing messianic determinism.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Draft Letter

Dear Sirs,

In view of current developments in the Banking market, if one of my Checks is returned marked "insufficient funds", does that refer to me or to you?

Yours faithfully,

Sunday, November 02, 2008

What Same-sex "marriage" Has Done To Massachusetts

"Once homosexuality has been normalized, all boundaries will come down. The schools are already moving on to normalizing transgenderism (including cross-dressing and sex changes). The state-funded Commission on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth includes leaders who are transsexuals."

What Same-sex "marriage" Has Done To Massachusetts

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Just Technorati claiming

Technorati Profile

Outside look at the American election

I cannot really understand how the majority of the American people cannot realize that what is considered “good” by the majority of the Europeans ― including the Russians ― is not automatically a “good thing” for the American people. The thinking is easy to attain: what your neighbor thinks how you should view the world and behave yourself, is not always the way you really should think and behave.

During the present political campaign for the Presidency of the United States, what I have observed is that it seems that political elites from Iran, Saudi Arabia, France, Russia, and so forth, are really supporting Barack Hussein Obama against the real interests of the American people.

This is an objective analysis: today, what is good for Russia is good for Obamanian America. It seems that the American people has lost its moral authority due to a mass political campaign around the world, and that that lost of moral authority is firstly acknowledged by Barack Obama and the cultural decadent Hollywood elites.

The conclusion I take from all this is that -- even if you think that it would be impossible -- Dubya presidency will be soon recalled as "the good old times", and that the American people is one of the worst politicized people in the West.

Yuri Bezmenov, ex-KGB, explaining how things happened in the United States until Obama reaches Power.