Thursday, July 24, 2008

Socialist nihilism

«The parliamentary leader of Portugal's ruling Socialist Party, Alberto Martins, has suggested that homosexual "marriage" should be on the agenda for the coming legislative session.

Speaking at the 16th Congress of Socialist Youth, Martins congratulated the group for its own endorsement of the idea, and stated that "it is a topic of debate that should be discussed in the next legislature."

Durarte Cordeiro, newly-elected to the presidency of the Socialist Youth, added that legalizing homosexual "marriage" would contribute "to the fulfillment of the aspirations of thousands of Portuguese and will represent a decisive step in the battle against homophobia."

He also presented a document advocating the inclusion of euthanasia on the Socialist Youth's agenda. "The Socialist Youth should pursue the accompaniment of the issue and extend the debate that has been initiated in various places worldwide," he wrote.

The Socialist Party's new anti-life and anti-family agenda has been evident since 2007, when it de-penalized abortion. It has also successfully pressured the national Order of Physicians to eliminate its condemnation of abortion from its ethical code.»


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